Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Pochoda Residential Garden

The Pochoda Residential Garden is located in Lyme, New Hampshire. I discovered this garden as a result of an article I read from the North American Garden Association by Phil Pochoda in which he discussed why and how he constructed his garden. Intrigued, I reached out to Phil and he kindly accepted my request for a visit.

Website: https://najga.org/pochoda/ (Phil's article vand YouTube video)

In 2013, the garden was constructed along a previously engineered pond on the property. 

I noticed the garden shares some similarities with the Shin-Boku Nursery & Stroll Garden in Wentworth, New Hampshire. It turns out that the owner of the nursery provided advice and assistance when the garden was being designed and constructed.

Over the years additional sections and features were added, including a karesansui Zen garden. 

The overall garden is essentially a stroll garden, but the pathway goes well beyond the edge of the pond, winding further up the slope of the hill behind the pond. Its terminus brings one to a bench with an elevated view of the entire garden and property.

Along the pathway, one encounters as many as ten different species of pine tree, including at least four large Scots Pine, all impressively pruned.

There are also a large number of reddish granite stones strategically placed throughout the garden, all having been excavated from on the property.

Strolling through the garden provides some interesting highlights as one makes their way to the grotto at the far end of the garden.

Finally, crossing a small bridge provides an alternative view of the grotto and a profile of the entire garden from the far side of the pond.

The garden was a real joy to visit, especially on a warn and sunny day. It was also a thrill to visit a garden designed for the extreme weather conditions associated with this region of New Hampshire. This opportunity expanded my garden visiting experience and I am grateful to Phil and Mary for the opportunity to visit such a wonderful garden.

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