Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Kyoto Garden - Science Museum Oklahoma

Located on the grounds of Science Museum Oklahoma (SMO), the Kyoto Garden is a part of a more extensive garden display within the museum. The garden was created in 1985 as part of a sister-city partnership between the city of Kyoto, Japan and Oklahoma City. Financed by the government of Kyoto and built by master gardeners from Japan, The garden was an excellent example of an authentic Japanese garden. 

Website: https://www.sciencemuseumok.org/Gardens

I first visited the garden in 2016. At that time I found the garden to be in need of some restoration. Unbeknownst to me, there had been an effort in 2014 by Barry Fox, the grounds manager at SMO, to improve the garden from the impact of devastating weather during the 2000s that had left the garden in need of restoration. I was unaware of these circumstances and incorrectly assumed the garden had been neglected. After 30 years, there had been much to do, and I had only glimpsed the beginning of what would later become a more elaborate restoration.

In 2022, the Kyoto government provided the assistance of four master gardeners from Japan and the help of local volunteers, the garden was fully restored.

Check out this video of the Newly Restored KYOTO Garden:

I was overjoyed at the site of the new Kyoto Garden. Its transformation was remarkable. I had always considered this garden to be a well planned and executed garden. The blue stones within, all originally brought over from Japan, were some of the most beautiful stones I had ever seen in a Japanese garden in North America. Now with the plantings, gravel, and grass all restored, the garden was, once again a magnificent example of an authentic Japanese garden.








The difference is remarkable. In time, I am hoping that the bamboo backdrop has the opportunity to survive weather extremes and once again become a green back drop for the garden, The more open space has created a most pleasant view, but the bamboo, over time, will help to soften the hard exterior of the museum building.



It was a pleasure seeing the garden once again, and having the opportunity to meet with Barry Fox. 

His efforts to restore the garden, and his commitment to eduction, will help ensure that the Kyoto Garden plays a long term role in helping people better understand the joy experienced by visiting a Japanese garden.

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